Natural Network

Where food & drinks founders come to find their peers.
To celebrate and support each other and to stay up to speed with opportunities within the industry.


Members meet virtually each month to:- Network
- Share challenges & celebrate wins
- Flag industry opportunities & ideas
We have regular guest speakers and there are adhoc special events - virtual & in person - as well as collaborations with external events like trade shows and food festivals.Outside of the events and meetings our facilitator Vicky networks and researches opportunities for members and champions them at every chance she gets.Fees
£25 a month (charged quarterly on a rolling contract).

What our members say

David, Wraxall Vineyard
"In the countryside you don't have the same networking opportunities as in a city. Through the network we’ve met cheese producers and done mutually beneficial events together, shared ideas on accounting issues, been able to check out service providers with other users - and even been able to borrow a gazebo for a trade show. All of a sudden we aren’t so isolated and are able to discuss business issues with like minded people."
Paul, Black Bee Honey
"The Natural Network got Black Bee Honey invited to Josh Eggleton's FŌDA, a private networking event for local suppliers and chefs. We've made a number of very valuable connections."
Roger, White Lake Cheese
"I'm the 3rd generation to run this farm but The Natural Network introduced me to food businesses right down the road that I'd not met. Vicky is great at facilitating the meetings. Running a business is a rollercoaster and it's great to know there are others on the ride. "